Monthly Archives: June 2009

Editors Notes

Pride Weekend Photos I didn’t stay at pride too long, so I hope some of you have pictures to share! I did miss Becky and all my other gay friends this weekend though. But my house is cleaner, and my bills are paid… so I can’t complain. I only heard of a minor drama report, […]

Daily Quotes

My favorite weather is bird-chirping weather. ~ Loire Hartwould Bad weather always looks worse through a window. ~ Author Unknown Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~ John Ruskin

In the News

Odd News Under-bite helps Pabst become World’s Ugliest Dog AP PETALUMA, Calif. – A prominent under-bite, scrunched face and floppy ears are the hallmarks of a winner. National Study finds widening generation gap in US AP WASHINGTON – From cell phones and texting to religion and manners, younger and older Americans see the world differently, […]

Daily Photos

A large waterspout forms above the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Fla. on Friday afternoon, June 26, 2009. The spout dissipated as it reached the other side of the river. The Fuller Warren Bridge is seen in the foreground. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Will Dickey) Lady Gaga performs as pyrotechnics go off from her bustier […]

Daily Video Josh Blue – Being Inspirational Joke of the Day Stand-Up Comedy Free Online Games Josh Blue – Comedian with Cerebral Palsy makes fun of Gay people. Kevin Hart : Ostriches [ submitted by Angela ]

The Eclipsed Celebrity Death Club

From New York Magazine: Farrah is just the latest to join a peculiar group: the Eclipsed Celebrity Death Club. The classic ECD example is Groucho Marx, who passed away the same week as Elvis Presley, and thus missed out on a good week’s worth of TV tributes. But the easiest way for a famous person […]

Cover Talk – Michael Jackson

<a href="; rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to R.I.P. Michael Jackson, the King of Pop (A reluctant tribute from a reluctant fan) *plus an MJ tribute roundup from the coverblogs!*“>R.I.P. Michael Jackson, the King of Pop(A reluctant tribute from a reluctant fan) *plus an MJ tribute roundup from the coverblogs!* I don’t usually take requests, and in […]

Salon – Broadsheet

The Michael Jackson tribute you can’t miss There were roughly a billion Michael Jackson tributes over the weekend, but none could possibly match the one mounted Saturday at a Filipino prison — site of the infamous “Thriller” re-enactment that brought so much joy to the Internet way back in 2007. Seven hundred tourists flocked to […]

Stonewall’s 40th Eye on the Prize, and the Prez Blinks

by Michael Blim The bus Thursday night was late. I slumped back onto the bench as the four-hour trip to New York had just gotten longer. As I settled in, I noticed a young kid waiting too. He had a Sesame Street character sticking out of his pink backpack, and he wore pink tennis and […]

Why your marriage sucks From Salon: Why would anyone submit to the doomed delusion that is marriage? The unmarried among us have surely begun to ask this question. (No doubt the married have, too, though in the past tense.) For several years now, disdain for heterosexual unions has been on the rise — or at […]